In fact, it allows you to work from 45 cm in increments of 5 cm up to a maximum of 75 cm of inter-row.
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<strong>Machine Cleaner 2</strong> - Self-propelled trimming machine on wheel, born to re-cut at the optimal height the product, suctioning simultaneously the breeding remains.
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<strong>Potato diggers</strong>
Ideal for harvesting potatoes in small and large areas due to its reliability, high productivity and minimal maintenance.
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<strong>Potato planter</strong>
<strong>cup-elevator type C4</strong>
The <strong>JJBROCH</strong> potato planter ensures accurate distribution and planting of tubers thanks to its efficient machine design and excellent field performance.
Each belt is equipped with a mechanical vibration system to prevent double upset.
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<strong>The Gx range of RM</strong> hose-reel irrigation machines features a swivelling turret structure, which, by rotating on the fixed bottom frame, allows the reel to be steered towards the desired direction to unwind the hose.
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<strong>Brassus</strong> works with a dual auger system to provide homogenous rations with an optimal power requirement based on the preparation of quality rations.
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<strong>Çelikel</strong> considers the needs of all businesses operating in animal manufacturing activities, as, under the <strong>CHARGER</strong> brand of feed mixing machines, it manufactures machines of different capacities, ranging between 0.75m3 and 52m3.
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The moment you see <strong>Calabria</strong>®, your heartbeat accelerates, your pupils dilate, and you involuntarily say, "My new car should be <strong>Calabria</strong>®." One of the most anticipated machines in silo history, the <strong>Calabria</strong> calls you with its pure steel body.
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<strong>Chopper</strong> is an ideal machine for obtaining silage of every kind of green fodder plant. It proves its difference from others of its kind through its powerful gearbox and frame system, even at the first usage. It sustains its production at the same standard, even in the most difficult of conditions.
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Save time with <strong>Challenger 4</strong>, the world's fastest silage machine…
The <strong>Challenger 4</strong> silage machine has been developed by Çelikel engineers, who were inspired by the most durable and fastest animal in the world.
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Некоторые хотят приобрести эту машину из-за ее внешнего вида. Другие хотят за то, что о ней говорят другие. Некоторые хотят ее из-за производительности, некоторые из-за престижа, а некоторые потому, что у нее хорошая цена на вторичном рынке. А некоторые просто хотят ее без всякой причины.
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The <strong>Challenger 2</strong> silage machine has been developed by Çelikel engineers, who were inspired by the most durable and fastest animal in the world
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